Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On whiteness with Derek Canty
"Vulnerability is the core of any self-inward journey....it's been decades of chipping away to get to that vulnerability and to be able to live there. " - Derek Canty
Derek Canty is a father of 7, a dedicated partner, a fairy godfather mentor to many and the CEO and founder of Winning Edge, a leadership development company based in Las Vegas.
Today, Derek serves as a coach, and trainer for select non-profit organizations and corporations, assisting them in team building, leadership development, and defining/strengthening their organizational culture. He is also a Covid survivor and former coach to his 3 daughters ‘Snickers’ volleyball team.
Derek is also the co-founder of College Summit now known as PeerForward, a national social non-profit organization that is based in Washington, DC. PeerForward’s mission is to increase the college enrollment rates of low-income communities across America. Derek designed “Rap Training,” a leadership development training program for alumni that trains them to motivate and coach peer leaders at summer workshops and at their respective schools. Over 250 College Summit staff and alumni have gone through the training program. He has also developed in-school youth development tools for PeerForward that are used in classrooms around the country. Derek spearheaded the initial Diversity & Inclusion initiative and department, where he served as Chief Diversity Officer for 2 years.
What is Intersectional Integrity?
Intersectional Integrity: Intentional engagement and relationship development with self (the "i"), others (the "they", "them", "we"), and earth ("us"- the animals, plants, waterways, landmasses) that is dynamic/fluid and mindful of varying identities (targeted and non-targeted).
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