Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On whiteness with amara tabor-smith
"We are in the apocalypse, give thanks!"- amara tabor-smith in reflecting on the truth being revealed in these times.
Join us as amara shares her brilliant perspectives on what Intersectional Integrity is to her.
amara tabor-smith (she/her/they/we) is a black, queer woman born and raised on unceded Ramaytush (Rah-MAH-Tush) Ohlone land currently known as San Francisco, and now lives on unceded Huichin (Hoo-Chin) Lisjan (Lih-Shan) Ohlone land currently known as Oakland, CA. She is a choreographer, performance maker, and cultural worker who describes her work as Conjure Art. Her interdisciplinary, site-responsive, performance making practice utilizes Yoruba Ifá and Lukumí spiritual technologies to address issues of social and environmental justice, racism, gender identity, and belonging. Her work is rooted in black, queer feminist principles that insist on liberation, joy, and well-being in the afro NOW. amara seeks to create performance experiences where audience and performers converge to experience mutual vulnerability and transformation. She is the artistic director of Deep Waters Dance Theater. Her current multi-year project House/Full of Blackwomen created in collaboration with Ellen Sebastian Chang and a collective of black women artists and activists, addresses the displacement, well-being, and sex trafficking of black women and girls in Oakland. She is a 2021 Rainin Fellow, a 2019 Dance/USA Fellow, 2018 United States Artist Fellow, 2018 recipient of KQED’s “Bay Brilliant” award, and a 2017 Urban Bush Women Choreographic Center Fellow. amara is currently an artist in residence at Stanford University.
What is Intersectional Integrity?
Intersectional Integrity: Intentional engagement and relationship development with self (the "i"), others (the "they", "them", "we"), and earth ("us"- the animals, plants, waterways, landmasses) that is dynamic/fluid and mindful of varying identities (targeted and non-targeted).
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