Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On whiteness with guest Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz Pt. 2
We welcome you all back to part 2 of a conversation with Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz, a brilliant educator, facilitator, leader for equity in a reunion, as the three of us realize we haven’t been in the same place in nearly 3 years. We discuss what it might be like to stand in our deepest energy source as one that has the potential to transcend the social construct of our given identities and how that helps us shed the power that hierarchy, boxed identities, compartmentalization can have on us. We focus on remembering that transparency is the enemy of white supremacy, and explore what it looks like to just present how we are without having it all organized, figured out or filtered....and how necessary it is for the creation of critical dialogues and relationships to see and hold each other in our wholeness. And, we end with how whiteness appears in devouring crab!