Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On whiteness with guest Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz Pt. 1
Diedra is back! We have a reunion with our dear friend and colleague, JuanCarlos. This is the first of a two-part conversation where we go deep into intersections of our racial and gender identities.
In part 1 we explore the depths and interconnections of white supremacy and patriarchy and how they play out in our socially constructed identities and the vulnerable ways we do our intra/interpersonal work and how that is similar and different as a result of our varying experiences in our identities. We dig into how often we can run away from ourselves and the challenges of finally taking on the internal work when we stop running away.
Some specific topics include
- how whiteness participated in (eventually) bringing national outrage for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery
- an exploration of the ways that whiteness has us in a state of worry if we dare rest and define our value
- a consideration of what we’re NOT taking with us into the new normal