Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness
Eyes On Whiteness with guest Leidene C. King
Maureen talks with her sister-friend, Leidene King. Leidene is a brilliant educator, facilitator, and healer who delves deep into the ways that she has experienced whiteness in healing and metaphysical spaces as a black woman and the struggle of the concepts of “we are one” and “nothing comes into your life uninvited” when we have such different experiences in the world based on the skin we’re in.
She beautifully shares her journey of discovering “who am I?” as the daughter of an African American father and Chinese-American mother born in Hawaii, raised in the black community navigating a sense of “otherness” in the world. Leidene details the journey of the transformational process of moving through terror that comes from a belief system disintegrating, the void left after that disintegration and then the infinite possibilities that become illuminated and how it helps better able to empathize when people engage in conversations about whiteness. She draws connections to thoughts, feelings, beliefs, physiology, and the power of interrupting how the ways whiteness doesn’t make space for all of them can cause health issues….and a million more brilliant lessons.
Also: Maureen gets another brilliant lesson the power of humility and accepting responsibility for impact, regardless of intent.
The brilliant Leidene King offers rigorous, intimate, 6-week coaching cohorts for serious anti-racists seeking to evolve in racial consciousness. For offerings starting in mid-October (or to learn more about her work) message her on LINKED IN.